"So this means I am healed right?" The doctor is silent for a little while "Ehm, well, we can't find anything anymore", "so this means that I am healed?", "mmh, well, there is nothing we can find"... "I allready knew this I told you"...
It must have been a bit like this, the conversation between a friend and her doctor. She has been healed from astma, and the test showed that nothing could be found in her system anymore. The doctor didn't really want to acknowledge this healing by Jesus Christ, of course. A supernatural miracle always hits the brain functions and shows the hearts-attitudes. But Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He never changes. His name is above every name. Label the sickness with the most horrible name, but Jesus' His name has more power. Death couldn't even hold Him in the grave. That's my Jesus.
He said that His followers would do the same things as He did. When we find out that the same Spirit by whom Jesus was born, guided and lifted up to the Father, and raised from the dead, is actually living inside of us, things will happen.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a wonderfull blessing, because it launches the christian into the spiritual world. By Him we worship. By Him we read the Word. By Him we exalt Jesus Christ. By Him we live a victorious life over sin. By Him we cast out the toughest demons. By Him we love our enemies. By Him a christian life is lived. This is why Jesus said "It is better when I leave, so that the Holy Spirit can come".
Have you met the Holy Spirit allready? There are only 2 conditions which have to met in order for us to be baptised in the Spirit of God.
1. We need to have been washed with Jesus' blood. He justifies us before the Father when we put our faith in Him.
2. We need to be desiring. The Father promised His Spirit, so don't beg Him; Just ask.
Praise the Lord Jesus continually and just see what the Holy Spirit will do. You will know it when you are baptised in the Spirit.
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